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  1. Shun-liang Chao*;John Michael Corrigan, 2019.03, 'Romantic Legacies: Transnational and Transdisciplinary Contexts, edited by Shun-liang Chao and John Michael Corrigan, ' Routledge Studies in Comparative Literature, Routledge.(*為通訊作者)

  2. Vivienne Westbrook*;Shun-liang Chao*, 2018.08, 'Humour in the Arts: New Perspectives, edited by Vivienne Westbrook and Shun-liang Chao, ' Studies for the International Society for Cultural History, Routledge.(*為通訊作者)

  3. Shun-liang Chao*, 2010.04, 'Rethinking the Concept of the Grotesque: Crashaw, Baudelaire, Magritte, ' Awarded an Honourable Mention for the 2013 Anna Balakian Prize of the International Comparative Literature Association, Legenda/Routledge.(*為通訊作者)


  1. 陳音頤*, 2016.10, 'Gadgets, Fashion Display and Material Strategies in the Turn-of-the-Century Novel, ' 政大出版社.(*為通訊作者)

  2. 陳音頤, 2013.11, 'D. H. Lawrence: New Perspectives, ' Crane Books. 

  3. 陳音頤, 2012.10, 'Controversy, Censorship and Translation: The Chinese Reception of D. H. Lawrence''s Lady Chatterley''s Lover, ' Lambert Academic Publishing.

  4. 陳音頤, 2007.03, 'Meandering Footsteps and Roving Eyes: Women, Commodity Culture and Turn-of-the-Century London in Gerorge Gissing''s London Novels, ' Bookman Books.

  5. 陳音頤, 2000.12, 'Mapping the Primitive: Race, Gender and Sexuality in D. H. Lawrence s Writings on the Native Americans 1922-1925, ' Crane.


  1. 趙順良*;柯瑞強*, 2019.04, 'Romantic Legacies: Transnational and Transdisciplinary Contexts, ' Romantic Legacies: Transnational and Transdisciplinary Contexts, Routledge.(*為通訊作者)

  2. 柯瑞強*, 2012.09, 'American Metempsychosis: Emerson, Whitman and the New Poetry, ' Fordham University Press.(*為通訊作者) 


1. “Keats, Higginson, and Snakes: Yang Mu’s Transcultural “Courtship” of Emily Dickinson,” Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences -- forthcoming.
2. “The Romance of Transportation in Wordsworth, Emerson, De Quincey, and Dickinson,” Romanticism 25.1 (April 2019): 45-57.
3. “‘The light that never was on sea or land’: William Wordsworth in America and Emily Dickinson's ‘Frostier’ Style” -- The Emily Dickinson Journal 25.2 (November 2016): 136-59.
4. “‘As Trade Had Suddenly Encroached’: Emily Dickinson, William Wordsworth and China,” Cowrie: A Journal of Comparative Literature and Culture 1.1 (2015)
5. “Thomas De Quincey’s ‘Serpentine’ Writing and Emily Dickinson’s Reptiles.” Symbiosis: A Journal of Transatlantic Literary And Cultural Relations 18.1 (2014).
6. “'Pearls in Eastern Waters': Emily Dickinson's Asian Consumption.” The Emily Dickinson Journal 22.2 (November 2013) 2013: 1-25.
7. “Ecogothic Chinatown”, Romantic Environmental Sensibility: Nature, Class, Empire, edited by Ve-Tin Tee, University of Edinburgh -- forthcoming
8. “The ‘Phantasmatic’ Chinatown in Helen Hunt Jackson’s ‘The Chinese Empire’ and Mark Twain’s Roughing It,”Spatial Imageries in Historical Perspective, edited by Dominique Bauer, University of Leuven, Belgium, Amsterdam University Press -- forthcoming
9. Romantic Gateway: Transpacific (Dis)continuity in San Francisco Chinatown in Bret Harte’s ‘Wan Lee, the Pagan’, Pacific Gateways: English Literature and the Pacific Ocean, 1760–1914, edited by Laurence Williams (Department of English, University of Tokyo), Palgrave -- forthcoming


  1. 吳敏華;洪芙蓉*, 2016.05, '沙漠女王:哥楚・貝爾, ' 聯經出版社.(*為通訊作者) 

  2. 吳敏華*, 2011.06, 'La dialectique victorienne: une interprétation sociopolitique de Jane Eyre et de Wuthering Heights des sœurs Brontë, ' 博士論文資料庫, 巴黎索邦大學.(法語(文))(*為通訊作者) 

  3. 吳敏華*, 2003.10, 'The Victorian Dialectics: A Socio-political Interpretation of Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre, ' 英美文學所DEA論文, 巴黎索邦大學.(法語(文))(*為通訊作者) 

  4. 曾遊娜*;吳敏華, 2003.05, '長袍春秋:李敖的文字世界, ' 文學叢書, 印刻出版社.(*為通訊作者) 

  5. 吳敏華*, 1999.01, 'The Looming of the Other: A Kristevan Reading of Wuthering Heights, ' 外國文學研究所碩士論文, 國立台灣大學.(*為通訊作者) 


  1. “The Wind in Wuthering Heights.” Review of English and American Literature 36 (2020): 1-25.

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